Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 2

So, I weighed and measured myself this morning.. even though I know it's not a good idea to be stuck on the scale. Much to my dismay, still the same, lol. Although I did wake up pretty hungry (and was hungry before going to bed last night too) and mad that I couldn't have coffee or chai or even some gluten free toast (I Finally found an awesome gf bread from a local lady, so I froze what I had left of the loaf). I kind of just threw some things together for a protein smoothie (pic below). It actually turned out pretty good. I also make a 21 DSD approved "treat" that is supposed to be like that frozen banana "ice cream". The recipe called for a whole can of coconut milk so I used half that and half unsweetened almond milk, in addition to some of my frozen bananas, vanilla, cocoa powder and almond butter. It wasn't ice cream, but it certainly wasn't anything bad. My 2 year old ate it up, "Ice cream!!!!". Good to know I can make it for him when we don't live in a house full of sugar and treats :)

I slept pretty good last night, but even better, my daughter (7 months) slept thru the night! It happens on occasion. I read that the sleep thing does improve pretty quickly, so assuming Im not being woken up every few hours I think Im on track. The book (and pretty much everyone Ive read who has done this) says that by about day 3-4 you start to get flu like symptoms.. Should be interesting. I don't have a Ton of energy just yet, but Im also not fighting to keep my eyes open like I was on Sunday.

So after breakfast of a basic smoothie.. Snacks for the day included roasted/salted almonds and pistachios or prosciutto and mozzarella. I finished off the prosciutto, it was from Whole Foods and Awesome. Ive got to go get more. And some coconut butter, which Im a little scared to try as I'm not a fan of coconut really. I used another recipe from the 21 DSD book which is for some crackers using almond meal. They actually are pretty good and super easy to make. I had them for lunch with some egg salad that I made with the homemade mayo. Pretty good! After an afternoon with the kids (mostly picking up after them/him, chasing down dogs that the toddler let out the front door, more cleaning...) I figured Id marinate some steak pieces in balsamic. Until I opened the package and it had gone bad.. Seriously though, I just bought it! Boo.. I was looking forward to them so much. I then decided to make some tacos (for the fam)/ taco salad for me. Of course taco seasoning has sugar and of course I couldn't for the life of me find any chili powder in the cupboard. And the tomatoes had gone bad..Life, I tell ya lol.. No one was even home for dinner anyways to eat the tacos that actually had the taco seasoning in them. Doesn't that just figure? ;)
Today I actually had 2 pieces of approved fruit (you should really only have one), the banana in my smoothie and a green apple with almond butter after dinner. Don't judge me, at least I haven't given it to sugar.. Or anything remotely calling my name :)


I got the protein from Whole Foods.. Also very hard to find protein powder that has no flavorings or sugars. l

It's not every day you get to look at a bowl of homemade mayo :)

It sufficed... But Ive got to make something better tomorrow.

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